Stetson University College of Law
Roberta K. Flowers, Fellow

1401 61st St S
Gulfport, FL 33707-3246

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President’s Message: NAELA Grown Up - 05/19/2023
President’s Message: Belonging and Inclusion - 02/18/2023
President’s Message: The Future Is Bright for Our Amazing Organization - 12/02/2022
President’s Message: And So, the Gardening Begins - 09/09/2022
Guardianship Section“Baby One More Time”:1 Guardianship Reform Requires Improvement of Ethical Standards for Representation of the Person2 - 09/08/2022
Commentary on Do Elder Law Practitioners and the American Legal Profession Need an Ethical - 09/16/2020
Featured Member: A Voice for Those With No Voice: Stu Zimring, CAP, Fellow and NAELA President - 05/01/2020
The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Holistic Elder and Special Needs Law Practice in the - 04/02/2019
Introduction: The Aspirational Standards: Only Getting Better With Age - 04/02/2019
2018 Annual Conference: Public Benefits Planning, Advocating for Clients, and Technology - 07/27/2018
NAELA's Annual Conference: Unmask Your Potential in New Orleans at the 2018 Annual Conference - 11/07/2017
2017 NAELA Aspirational Standards: Building on the Work of the Past and Recognizing the Guidance for - 08/07/2017
Practical Ethics: Are NAELA’s Aspirational Standards Practical for Answering Who is the Client? - 07/18/2017
To Speak or Not to Speak: Effect of Third Party Presence on Attorney Client Privilege - 06/30/2017
In Fear of Suits: The Attorney’s Role in Financial Exploitation - 06/02/2017
Can I/Should I Sell Law-Related Financial Services to Clients? - 04/07/2017
Featured Member: A. Frank Johns, CELA, CAP: The Heart of an Artist and the Soul of a Crusader - 03/23/2017
Practical Ethics: Ethical questions that can arise when drafting documents for clients. - 03/14/2017
PRACTICAL ETHICS:Are NAELA’s Aspirational Standards of Professionalism for the Practice of Elder Law Practical for Answering “Who is the Client?” - 03/14/2017
PRACTICAL ETHICS: Ethical Obligations When Representing a Person Alleged to Be Incapacitated - 03/10/2017

Professional Information

About the Practice
Professional Biography
Roberta K. Flowers is a Professor at Stetson University, Director of the Center for Excellence in Elder Law and Director of the LLM in Elder Law. She has served as the Director of the Center for Excellence in Advocacy Center and as the William Reece Smith, Jr. Distinguished Professor in Professionalism. In 2005 she was awarded the Faculty Professionalism Award by the Florida Supreme Court.
Previously, Professor Flowers worked as a prosecutor in the state and federal system, ultimately being appointed assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida
She has lectured throughout the U.S. and internationally on ethics, also producing a series of educational videos. Along with Professor Rebecca Morgan, she created a set of award-winning videos depicting ethical dilemmas faced by elder law attorneys and designed the first “elder friendly courtroom” in the nation.
She earned her BA from Baylor and JD from the University of Colorado.

Chapter Membership

Florida Chapter


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